Make 3 kinds of flour out of all purpose flour

Make 3 kinds of flour out of all purpose flour

If you like to bake you might find yourself purchasing multiple types of flour. Here’s a trick to make bread flour, cake flour and self rising flour, with all purpose flour.

All purpose flour – it has genearlly 10-12% gluten. Bleached flour has been treated to speed up the aging process and tends to be finer and brighter then unbleached.

Bread flour – 13-14% gluten – replace 1 teaspoon of all purpose flour with vital wheat gluten per cup.

Cake flour – 7-9% gluten – replace 2 tablespoons of all purpose flour with cornstarch.

Self Rising flour – 12% gluten – add 1-1/2 teaspoon of baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon of salt to each cup of flour.

While someone with Celic Desease will want to avoid gluten (according to approximately 1 in 100 people have celiac disease)

it’s a pretty important component in baking. It’s used in breads, cakes, most pastas, crakers, cereal, sauces and even beer. The list of things it is used in is huge.

To avoid Gluten in flour you can use several different types of flour like rice, coconut, almond, bean, sorghum, cassave and tapioca are just a few.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different kinds of flours.